ALARA News - January 2025
Hello ALARA member - Happy New Year
11th Action Learning Action Research and 15th Participatory Action Research World CongressPutting Global Collaboration at the Heart of Action Research In the current world environment, there is an even greater need for national and international collaboration to solve today’s challenges. To lead by example, ALARA is collaborating with AUT* in New Zealand and UTS** in Australia to present this World Congress. At ALARA World Congresses, there is an emphasis on interactive conversations and workshops, where presenters/facilitators and participants engage together often producing new ideas arising from the work participants have been doing. These conversations help the learning of both presenters and participants. The Organising Committee invite those working in Action Learning and Action Research to submit proposals about their work: locally, nationally and internationally. The specific aim at this World Congress, will be to focus on collaborative action. Participants will be encouraged to use the insights co-generated to develop initiatives that help address one or more agreed challenges (global, national, local). These initiatives will help reinforce the learning from the World Congress, and generate collaborative learning, training, research and action to create global change. ALARA is in negotiations with representatives from South-East Asia countries to join this World Congress. It welcomes other AL / AR networks who wish to participate and invites them to contact the Organising Committee via Schedule:
* AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (AUT SPRINZ). Contact: Action Learning and Action Research Journal - Call for PapersSpecial Issue on the Transformative Potential of Curriculum Practice on Climate Change through Action Research Action Learning, Action Research Association (ALAR Association) invites submission of papers for a special issue for the ALAR Journal dedicated to exploring the transformative potential of integrating curriculum practices into climate change education through action research. Submissions close on 9th May 2025. Please see here for the full description of the Call. Developing AREOL into a MOOC: Can you volunteer?A new year, a new opportunity! This year will see an ALARA team work on developing Bob Dick’s AREOL course into a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) version. The current team are Bob Dick, Marina Harvey, Jane Holloway and Colin Bradley. We already have ALARA members volunteer to be involved and now extend that call to those reading this newsletter. As the year, and MOOC development, progresses we will appreciate critical friends who would be willing to:
If you are able to act as a critical friend this year please contact Action Learning / Action Research CalendarThe ALARA webpage with Action Learning and Action Research news and events continues to be updated, as does the AL / AR calendar of events. Please send any news for us to add to the webpage and the AL/AR Calendar so that all can see what is happening in the AL/AR communities. If you have any items, please contact ALARA. How Can You Help?ALARA Is a volunteer-run organisation. The Board welcomes any offers of assistance, from reviewers of papers submitted for publication, to assisting any of our areas of activity - see the Committees Group for descriptions of these areas. Note: you do not have to be a Co-ordinator. ALARA needs people who can offer an hour a month, an hour a day, or anything between (even a day every so often). Later this year, the Board will also invite members to join in a strategic planning process. Colin Bradley |