ALARA Monograph Series
The Action Learning, Action Research Association (ALARA) Monograph series provides an opportunity for authors to publish quality refereed work that is more extensive than the length of a conventional paper. Authors thus are expected to present in-depth information and analysis on a topic.
The Monograph case studies will contribute to theoretical and practical understanding of Action Learning (AL) and Action Research (AR) in applied settings.
The Monographs are targeted at a broad range audience including practitioners, academics, researchers, leaders, community workers, students, etc. A key emphasis is on the fact that the Monographs are formally refereed and only quality case studies will be published. In this situation, quality refers to
- evidence of rigorous data collection,
- strong theoretical underpinning,
- deep reflection on results, and
- professionally written using APA guidelines.
Case studies in this refereed series contribute to theoretical and practical understandings of AL and AR in applied settings. They deal with:
- completed AR cases, successful and unsuccessful;
- partial successes and failures;
- work in progress;
- several cases assembled to illustrate important issues; and/or
- problemative issues in current cases.
Accepted Monographs are published here on the Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALAR Association) website. Members of the public can access the abstracts and pdf versions of most of the Monographs on the Monographs page.
ALAR Association members can access the electronic version of recently published Monographs via the same page.
Printed versions of the Monographs are available by emailing admin [at]
If you wish to submit a paper for consideration for publication, please look at the Submission guidelines for Monographs.
ALAR Association thanks the editorial review committee for the Monograph Series:
- Monograph Coordinator – Prof Eileen Piggot-Irvine (AUT, New Zealand; Royal Roads University, Canada)
- Reviewers
- Prof Lesley Ferkins (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
- Dr Phil Cady (Royal Roads University, Canada)
- Dr Nadia Charnia (AUT, New Zealand)
- Prof Shankar Sankaran (UTS, Australia)
- Kelly McCallum (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)