ALARA World Congress 2018 Keynote Speakers
ALARA is pleased to announce the
Keynote Speakers for the
10th Action Learning Action Research and
14th Participatory Action Research
World Congress
17 - 20 June 2018
Norwich University
Northfield, Vermont, USA
The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy
for Transforming Social Change:
Individuals, Professionals, and Communities’ Developments,
Organizational Advancements, and Global Initiatives
Keynote Speakers
Headlining the 2018 lineup of keynote speakers for the World Congress is Her Excellency (H. E.) Professor Hassana Alidou, Ambassador of the Republic of Niger to the United States and Canada. She will provide the keynote address for the ALARA 2018 World Congress’s track Action Learning, Action Research for Global Initiatives. H. E. Alidou possesses a lifetime of experience as a professor, scholar of sociolinguistics and education, and a policymaker for UNICEF, UNESCO, and other influential organizations around the globe. She has written and published numerous books and articles and frequently gives lectures on the role of gender in international development, as well as the promotion of African languages in education. She has collaborated extensively with other specialists in the field of socio-linguistics and is one of the leading promoters of bilingual education in Africa. H. E. Alidou is the co-author of Action Research to Improve Youth and Adult Literacy in Multilingual Contexts: Empowering Learners in a Multilingual World; the text is intended to provide guidance and training for educators and curriculum developers around the world.
Dr Hilary Bradbury, a scholar-practitioner whose work focuses on creating collaborative learning communities, will serve as the keynote speaker for the track Action Learning, Action Research Experiences of Individuals. Dr Bradbury obtained her undergraduate degree in German and Theology at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, before continuing her education at the divinity schools at Harvard University and the University of Chicago. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Studies from the Management School at Boston College, with a focus on change and transformation. Dr Bradbury was recently named the 2018 Jubilee Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden.
Providing the keynote address for the topic track, Action Learning, Action Research Experiences of Professionals is Professor Jack Whitehead, a Living Educational Theorist based in the United Kingdom. Professor Whitehead advanced the notion that the process of constructing knowledge depends on the individual's subjective interpretation of their active learning experience, and he pioneered the use of digital multi-media as a means for studying, clarifying and providing feedback on individual modes of constructing knowledge.
Dr Mary Brydon-Miller will serve as keynote speaker for the track, Action Learning, Action Research for Communities’ Developments. Dr Brydon-Miller holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Psychology from the University of Massachusetts and is a professor at the University of Louisville. Her current work focuses on research ethics in educational and community settings and on transforming higher education through action research. Dr Brydon-Miller is the co-editor of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research and is in the process of co-authoring a book on ethical challenges in the context of participatory research. Her major upcoming project is designed to galvanize middle-school students from around the world to engage as “citizen scientists” in order to better understand the impact of global climate change.
Dr Ernie T. Stringer will give the keynote speech for the track, Action Learning, Action Research for Organizational Advancements. Dr Stringer has an extensive background in education and has made significant contributions to action research by authoring numerous influential texts. He has worked extensively with the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, and was contracted by UNICEF to direct a community engagement project for the East Timor Department of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports. Throughout the past decade, he has served as an Associate Editor of the journal Action Research, while leading action research activities with local Aboriginal people in the Ngaanyatjarra school system in Western Australia.
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