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World Congresses

Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA) and its predecessors have conducted ten World Congresses around the World since 1990, the last seven of which have been in conjunction with the Participative Action Research (PAR) World Congresses. The table below lists the details of those World Congresses.

No. & Dates Location Convenor / Co-ordinator Co-Host Title Keynote



Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt Australian Institute of Training and Development Action Learning for Improved Performance Reg Revans, John Elliott, Sheila Harri-Augstein, Laurie Thomas


14 - 17 July 1992

St John's College, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Patricia Weeks Queensland University of Technology Transforming Tomorrow Today
Second World Congress on Action Learning: Reflecting the philosophy of collaborative change in government, industry, education and the community
Peter Checkland, Bob Dick, Tim Dalmau, Orlando Fals Borda, Brian Hall, Robin McTaggart, Yoland Wadsworth


6 - 9 July 1994

University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom Pam Lomax, Jack Whitehead University of Bath Accounting for Ourselves World Congress 3 on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Pam Lomax, Jack Whitehead, Orlando Fals-Borda
No. & Dates Location Convenor / Co-ordinator Co-Host Title Keynote


July 1997

Cartagena, Colombia Orlando Fals Borda In conjunction with the 8th PAR World Congress Convergence in Knowledge, Space and Time Immanuel Wallerstein, Manfred Max-Neef, Agnes Heller, Marja Liisa Swantz, Rajesh Tandon, Robert Chambers, Robert L. Flood, Robin McTaggart, Ted Jackson, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Anibal Quijano, Peter Reason, Budd Hall, Anisur Rahman, Eduardo Galeano. (Paolo Freire was to be lead keynote but died two months before the World Congress)


10 - 13 September 2000

Ballarat, Australia Stephen Kemmis University of Ballarat Reconciliation & Renewal - Through Collaborative Learning, Research and Action - 5th ALARPM & 9th PAR World Congress John Gaventa, Evelyn Scott, Susan Weil, Patricia Maguire, Bob Macadam, Susan Goff, Yvonna Lincoln, Martin von Hildebrand, Vijay Kanhere, Susan Noffke, Robert Flood, Mandawuy Yunupingu, Anisur Rahman, Victoria Marsick, Isaac Prilleltensky, Robert Chambers, Deborah Lange
No. & Dates Location Convenor / Co-ordinator Co-Host Title Keynote


21 - 24 September 2003

University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Tessie Herbst University of Pretoria Learning Partners in Action - 6th ALARPM & 10th PAR World Congress Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, Thomas Kalliath, Peter Reason, Cheryl de la Rey, Susan Weil, Danny Burns, Ineke Buskens, Richard Bawden, Tim Dalmau


21 - 24 August 2006

Groningen, The Netherlands Ben Boog   Standards and Ethics in Participatory Research - 7th ALARPM & 11th PAR World Congress Ben Valkenburg, Yoland Wadsworth, Judi Marshall, Michiel Schoemaker, Øyvind Pålshaugen, Sandra Schruijer, Naomi Scheman, Julia Preece
No. & Dates Location Convenor / Co-ordinator Co-Host Title Keynote


6 - 9 September 2010

Bayview Eden, Melbourne, Australia Jacques Boulet Borderlands Oases Participatory Action Research and Action Learning 8th ALARA World Congress and 12th PAR World Congress: Appreciating our Diverse Pasts, Comprehending our Complex Presents, Prefiguring our Possible Futures
Click here for more information
Alan Rayner, Budd Hall, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Yoland Wadsworth


4 - 7 November 2015

St. George Hotel and Conference Centre, Centurion, Pretoria, South Africa Lesley Wood North-West University and National Research Foundation, South Africa Collaborative and Sustainable Learning for a Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality? - 9th ALARA & 13th PAR World Congress
Click here for more information
Richard Teare, Danny Burns, Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt
No. & Dates Location Convenor / Co-ordinator Co-Host Title Keynote


17 - 20 June 2018

Norwich University, Northfield,Vermont, USA Ro Pelletier and Emmanuel Tetteh Norwich University The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy for Transforming Social Change: Individuals, Professionals, and Communities’ Developments, Organizational Advancements, and Global Initiatives - 10th ALARA & 14th PAR World Congress. Click here for more information Her Excellency Hassana Alidou, Hilary Bradbury, Jack Whitehead, Mary Brydon-Miller, Ernie T. Stringer