Publish Your Values-Driven Research for Systemic Change - May 2022
Webinar - May 2022
Publish Your Values-Driven Research for Systemic Change
Webinar Details | Submitting a Paper | ||
Registration | Background to Organizing Group |
Several publications with a common desire to promote and publish values-driven research for systemic change, which contributes to the flourishing of humanity, offered an opportunity at no cost for aspiring authors to gain advice on how to get their papers published.
These publications operate worldwide, accepting submissions from around the globe. They include:
Representatives of the publications agreed to attend a webinar where they provided information about their journals, submission process and conditions. Participants were invited to submit a short paper (see below) for review and discussion during small group discussions with these representatives.
The webinar was similar to the highly successful webinar held in September 2021. See a compilation video of the September 2021 webinar here.
The webinar was a free event, but participants (irrespective of whether they are submitting a short paper or not) were required to register for the webinar.
Webinar Details
The webinar was conducted twice to enable authors and other interested people to attend from around the world. Participants attended only one webinar.
Session 1 Date: Thursday 12 May 2022
- 7.30 am Eastern USA
- 12.30 pm UK
- 1.30 pm Central Europe / South Africa
- 7.30 pm Singapore / Western Australia
- 9.30 pm Eastern Australia
- 11.30 pm New Zealand
Session 2 Date: Thursday 12 May 2022
- 2.00 pm Western USA
- 5.00 pm Eastern USA
- 10.00 pm UK
- 11.00 pm Central Europe / South Africa
- 5.00 am (13 May) Singapore / Western Australia
- 7.00 am (13 May) Eastern Australia
- 9.00 am (13 May) New Zealand
* Times for the webinars were as stated above, but please check the time for your location.
Participants Invited to Submit Outlines
In addition to discussing the various publications, representatives of the publications discussed a small number of summary papers or outlines submitted by participants to the webinar.
Participants therefore were invited to submit a brief paper (not a full paper - see below for description of the possible format).
Before submitting a paper, authors were strongly encouraged to:
- Review the individual publications to understand their scopes and intended audiences (use the links above, or the short descriptions and links on the ALARA website -
- Read examples of the articles in the publications the authors are considering submitting a paper, to gain insight into the types of papers accepted in those publications
- Prepare a submission in a format that is likely to be acceptable to the publications to which the authors are considering submitting a paper, and which will appeal to the audiences of those publications
- Proof-read the submission and then ask a trusted friend to proof-read it
Some publications prefer a formal paper submission, while other publications will accept a variety of formats. The format of the submission will be indicated by the information about submissions on the publications’ websites, and the structure of the articles published in the publications.
The submission for this webinar were not to exceed 1,000 words (about two pages of regular, 11 pt type). The choice of the format of the submission was up to the authors submitting the paper. Examples of the format include:
- 250 word abstract, list showing the structure (the headings) for the entire paper, and a 250-500 word conclusion
- An extended abstract of about two pages reflecting the structure of the paper
- Academic poster
In all cases, the authors were required to include a bullet-point list (1 to 3 points) at the end (included within the content of the submission) of what they wanted the readers of their papers to know (take-away) from reading it.
Authors were allowed to submit a paper (one only) when registering for the webinar.
If authors wished to submit a paper, they were required to register and submit their paper by 20 April 2022. Participants who do not wish to submit a paper were required to register by 28 April 2022 Extension to registrations became available until 6 May. Further details and registration are available here - Registrations have closed.
When registering, participants were asked to agree to the webinar being recorded and to provide basic contact information including the email address to which they would be sent the link to the webinar. This information was retained for the purpose of contacting the participants about the webinar and provided to the representatives of the publications involved in the webinar, but to no other parties. Participants were also asked to indicate the journals to which they would consider submitting a paper.
The various publications are united in making public valid knowledge created through values-driven research for systemic change, which contributes to the flourishing of humanity. There are many genres of such research, but all exhibit and have core values such as respect, equity, quality, democracy, love and care. The research is for and as social change, with that change beginning with self, and is always participatory, of self and / or of others – with the researchers also being the researched.
Why should academics and practitioners publish?
All researchers need to test their knowledge claims in an academic, intellectual and rigorous way. By preparing a paper to submit, researchers first test the validity of the knowledge they are offering by reviewing their own paper using the methods the journals’ reviewers will use. By submitting their paper, they test the validity of the knowledge with peers and contribute to world knowledge, which is part of the researcher’s responsibility as a human being.
Purpose of the webinars
To encourage those engaged in values-driven research for systemic change, which contributes to the flourishing of humanity, to make public the knowledge generated by publishing in one of our journals.
Questions? Please contact us.