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ALARA Webinar - Sustainability, Systemic Change and Action Research

Date & Time
Zoom Webinar
Event description


Dr Josie McLean, PhD, PCC


After an early career in strategic planning and financial analysis, Josie came from a coaching background that led her to PhD action research into the inner transformation of people and organisations to shape sustainable and sustaining (now called regenerative) organisations. She co-founded the now global network Climate Coaching Alliance in 2019 and co-edited Ecological and Climate Conscious Coaching that was published in 2023. Josie’s business, The Partnership, founded in 1999, works in leadership and organisational development, and her expertise is change. All of Josie’s work is underpinned by an understanding of living systems or complexity. Even shaping the CCA was an experiment in applying the principles of living systems to a new ‘organisation’.


As part of her work, Josie ran a small experiment in Dec ’23, gathering a group of nine Heads of Sustainability from organisations in Melbourne, as diverse as a steel maker to a national football code to a local council to a fashion label, with the intention of understanding where they are on their journey of ‘transformation’ and what support they might want and require to guide their organisations to greater action toward a sustainable future. Additionally, there is the potential for emergent place-sourced systemic action as these previously unconnected organisations become aware of each other’s actions. As she listened to this group talking around the table she realised:

  • How diverse the understandings of the term ‘sustainability’ are
  • How strong the traditional mental models about hierarchy are
  • How few people actually grow systemic change even though they are saying they are ‘transforming systems’ – what is a system even?.

Join us for this conversation (rather than a presentation) as we take a look at our work through the lens of continuous action research and an understanding of complexity. Your participation is encouraged.

Registration Now Closed

The 60 minute webinar commenced at 1.00 am on Friday 1 March 2023 (Australia Eastern Daylight Time) and is now completed. A video of the webinar is available here.

Cost: Attendance is $5.00 for ALARA members and $15 for non-members (Australian Dollars).

For non-members, please click here to register for this webinar.

For members, please click here to register for this webinar.