ALARA-BALT Australasian Conference 2020
ALARA-BALT Australasian
Action Learning, Action Research Conference 2020
Discovering the Future Together:
Action Learning and Action Research at Work
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Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA) and Business Action Learning Tasmania (BALT) continue to plan for the ALARA-BALT Australasian Action Learning, Action Research Conference 2020 to be held in Launceston, Tasmania.
With restricted travel expected to continue beyond the Conference dates, the Organising Committee of the ALARA-BALT Conference has decided to conduct the Conference as a virtual event, with a central hub in a dedicated location in Launceston Tasmania. As we know Action Learners and Action Researchers like to meet and discuss the work of their colleagues, we are encouraging participants to gather in small groups (social distancing-approved sizes), and connect to the virtual conference as a satellite connection. We will also seek to make virtual meeting places available during the conference for informal discussions.
One of those satellite locations will be in Launceston for those who wish to visit this lovely city.
You are invited to join the conference, by attending it in Launceston, by gathering a small group together in a location in your home city and joining as a group on Zoom, or by joining from the comfort of your own office / home via Zoom.
How will we conduct the conference?
Over the four days, we will run sessions of 2-3 hours, with gaps between as we chase the sun to allow people around the world to join the discussions. We will record the sessions, so you can watch any that you miss.
We plan to include a range of presentation styles - dependent on the submissions we receive:
- Presentation of latest research, followed by discussion in small groups (break out rooms)
- Presentation of recent action learning projects, with videos and demonstrations
- Panel discussion, with input from the audience
- Scenario demonstrations, with questions and discussions
- Fireside chat or a debate on a topic of interest
- Research workshop held over two or three sessions, where we propose a real situation, and invite participants to join us in seeking solutions and ideas to test
How will you be involved during the conference?
Action Learning and Action Research are highly participatory methodologies, and we want our audience – participants – to participate in discussions, problem solving, idea testing, etc. We want to have as many presentations as possible that communicate with and involve the participants. This is not a conference - a virtual event - where you sit for hours staring at a screen. As a participant, we encourage you to become involved in the discussions.
Dates8-11 November 2020 |