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Our Strategy

Following input from members in 2015, the then Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc. (known colloquilly as ALARA) Management Committee agreed on a Strategic Directions paper, which formed the direction for ALARA over the rest of that decade. That paper proposed that:

  • ALARA identify one or more significant financial benefactors, who are willing to engage in strategic alliances or joint ventures to further ALARA's aims and grow its recognition and membership base within the AL / AR community.
  • ALARA allow organisations with Action Learning / Action Research interests to utilise ALARA’s reputation to develop new ideas, new activities and potentially increase membership and the recognition of ALARA.
  • The Management Committee provide guidance on how an organisation might propose a strategic alliance.

The Management Committee developed a description of ALARA to define the boundaries for these strategic alliances / joint ventures, which is attached to the Strategic Directions paper. You can read the full paper here.

The guidance paper is an invitation to organisations to partner with ALARA in advancing Action Learning and Action Research. Interested parties should contact ALARA at admin [at]

Following ALARA's successful transition to a Company Limited by Guarantee, the ALARA Board produced a new strategic plan for 2020 - 2023 and an associated Operationalisation Plan. Members can access those plans here.