2010 ALARA World Congress Proceedings
The ALARA 8th Action Learning and Action Research and 12th Participatory Action Research World Congress was held in 2010 in Melbourne Australia.
Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA) has copies of the abstracts submitted before the World Congress available on a CD. Due to postage costs, there are two prices: Oceania and South East Asia at AUD 13.00, and the rest of the world at AUD 20.00. To order a copy of this CD, please contact admin [at] alarassociation.org.
ALARA has also produced the World Congress Proceedings.

This 270-page book has 24 papers from authors from around the world on a wide variety of topics and situations where they have used Action Learning or Action Research. The book with selected papers is available in pdf format by requesting a copy by emailing admin [at] alarassociation.org. The cost of this book is AUD 60.00.
The following is the table of contents of the book, or read the Preface to gain an overview.
Preface - Susan Goff
Interlude praxis - Taryn Lane
- Linking teaching, learning and action research in K-12 classrooms for effective instruction - Ernie Stringer and Shelia Baldwin
- ”The power of pyjamas”. Everything effects everything else: Power, perception and hidden forms of restrictive practice in shared supported accommodation - Karen Crinall, Debra Manning, Marie Feeley and Audra Glavas
- Implementing organisational change in the context of international franchising: An action research case study - Zhanna Kremez
- Teaching by the case method: Using action research to enhance student participation - Ruth Kiraka
- Finding balance in a faith-based international development agency: A cooperative inquiry - Linda Kurti
- Doing participatory evaluation in an Indigenous context: Methodological issues and questions - Steve Jordan, Christine Stocek and Rodney Mark
- From Bankstown to Jigalong and Yirrkala: Supporting pre-service teachers in the deployment of XO laptops - Les Vozzo, Phil Nanlohy, Colin Webb, Diana Whitton and Crighton Nichols
- Using co-operative inquiry and participatory action research with therapists in the Victorian sexual assault field to better deliver services to families who have experienced sibling sexual abuse - Helen Kambouridis
- More carrot and less stick: Lessons from agricultural extension in New Zealand - Marie McEntee
- How can patient involvement and leadership further contribute to health service design? - Tony O’Connor
- Shifting conceptualisations of knowledge in teacher education: Collaborative research, partnerships and power - Jane Abbiss
- Reflections on community-based action learning with Vanuatu leaders: Building capacity for sustainable peace-building - Peter Westoby
- “I see it and it matters”: Grounded Theory embedded in participatory action research - Karen Caister, Mark Dent and Maryann Green
- Critical reflections on the use of participatory methodologies to build evaluation capacities in international development organisations - Jo Tacchi, June Lennie and Michael Wilmore
- Lessons learned from a participatory community capacity building initiative - Maryann Green
- Indigenous Research Methodology as a participatory research practice - Digna Lipa-od Adonis
- Participatory land-use planning for REDD: exploring approaches to avoid leakage and ensure permanence in the context of Angai Village Land Forest Reserve - R. Sundström and I. Mustalahti
- Using new technologies to support the learning of Aboriginal pre-service teachers - Marion Milton and Les Vozzo
- Covenantal ethics for action research: Creating a new strategy for ethical review - Mary Brydon-Miller, David Coghlan, Rosalie Holian, Patricia Maguire and Randy Stoecker
- Reducing the perceived ethical uncertainty of insider action research - Rosalie Holian
- Grounding value ethics in first person inquiry - David Coghlan
- Considering challenges with enacting conventional ethics in teacher action research - Patricia Maguire
- Community covenantal ethics: Case studies in community-based research - Mary Brydon-Miller and Randy Stoecker
About Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc
Principles of Action Research and Action Learning: An Invitation to Dialogue