2015 ALARA World Congress Proceedings
The ALARA 9th Action Learning and Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress was held in 2015 in Pretoria, South Africa.
Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA) is now offering the World Congress Proceedings from this event.

This 210-page book has 10 papers from authors from several nations - Greenland, Denmark, United Kingdom, South Africa and UK/Israel/Australia. The selected papers reflect some of the diversity at the 2015 World Congress.
ALARA has only very limited copies of the book in printed paperback. If you would like the book in pdf format, please request a copy by emailing admin [at] alarassociation.org. The cost of this book is AUD 60.00.
The following is the table of contents of the book, or read the Preface (168 Kb) to gain an overview.
Preface - Colin Bradley
- Whose PARty is this? Problematizing a participatory evaluation process in a community cooperative - Jacqui Lovell and Jacqui Akhurst
- Social innovation in public institutions in Denmark – the role of action research - John Andersen and Annette Bilfeldt
- Participatory action research with social workers in Greenland - Steven Arnfjord and John Andersen
- Sustaining participatory action research approaches in institutional practice: Learning from working with health centre committees - Rene Loewenson, Therese Boulle and Clara Mbwili-Muleya
- Collaborative approaches to seeking sustainability in student engagement online - Patrick Doyle, Pip Bruce Ferguson, Aisling McKenna and Deirdre O’Sullivan
- Using information communication technologies for teaching and learning in a South African secondary school: A participatory action research study - Molaodi Tshelane
- Changing practice: A course to support water activists in South Africa - Jane Burt and Jessica Wilson
- Mediating sensemaking: Enriching social learning for resilience in natural resources management learning - Charles Chikunda
- Making space for cognitive justice: Creating a level playing field for catchment forums in South Africa - Victor Munnik
- Beyond the boundary: Is there something called ‘real knowledge’? - David Davies, Reem Shamshoum, James Nyland and Emer Clarke