ALAR Journal
Through the Action Learning and Action Research Journal (ALARj), now in its 29th year of production, Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd (ALARA) promotes the study and practice of Action Learning (AL), Action Research (AR) and related approaches, and AL and AR networking on a global basis. There are usually two issues of the ALARj each year.
The ALARj contains project reports, reflections on seminars and conferences, papers related to the theory and practice of AL, AR and related approaches, and reviews of recent publications. It aims to be highly accessible for readers, contributors and practitioners.
The ALARj is listed in:
- Australian Research Council – Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2023 Journal List
- Australian Business Deans Council 2022 ABDC Journal Quality List
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
We place electronic copies of the ALARj on this website. Non-members can access these issues a year after members receive access to them: see the PDF files here. You can request a hard copy of recent issues by emailing admin [at]
The abstracts of each article in recent issues of the ALARj are available online to the general public through the Online Journal Service (OJS). Access to the full content of these issues of the ALARj is only available to Financial members.
The ALAR Journal is registered with both Informit and EBSCO.
If you wish to submit an item for consideration for publication in the ALARj, please look at the Submission guidelines.
ALARj's authors tell us what publishing in the Journal means to them:
"I sent the Creative Conferences paper to a colleague who is based at CASS Business School in the UK. It was great timing as we were due to have a call to discuss the possibility of writing a paper together. He had just read the paper when we spoke. He thought it was fabulous. I’m completely chuffed. I’ll be sending it off to a few more people." (C Lloyd, whose paper was published in Vol 20 No 1) |
The ALARj also includes book reviews of recent books relevant to the action learning / action research communities, such as A 101 Action Research Guide for Beginners (2024) by Saba Ahmed. Submission of book reviews, or suggestions for books that should be reviewed, are also welcomed.