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ALARA Workshops and Webinars


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ALAR Association Webinars

Action Learning, Action Research Association (ALAR Association) is delivering webinars on a range of topics. These topics cover past and proposed research activities, societal matters requiring action learning / action research, and subjects requiring discourse and action.

Attendance is generally free (or heavily discounted) for ALARA members, and, in most cases, relatively inexpensive for non-members, so we welcome everyone to register and attend these webinars.

Coming Webinars / Workshops

Thursday, May 16 2024, 1 - 2pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

This workshop is intended showcase the opportunities for all of the arts to work with action research, and specifically for arts to infuse presentations at the upcoming action research conference. The workshop will explore examples such as poetry, images, drama and cabaret, as well as illuminating the practice of art installations being presented at research conferences.

See here for more information and to book a place..

Previous Webinars

Presenters: Dr Marina Harvey and Professor Emerita Sandra Jones

Presentation Date: Friday 14 May 2021 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

* The webinar was recorded. The recording is available via the webinar's page.

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Several webinars held on 28 September 2021 and 12 May 2022 with the participation of several action learning / action research publications.

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This webinar was held on 18 September 2022 towards the end of Mary's period in Australia and New Zealand on a Fulbright Research Felowship, and focussed on climate change education.

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This webinar, held on 25 May 2023, brought together the authors who contributed to the 2022 Special Issue of the Action Learning and Action Research Journal. These authors talked about their experiences in undertaking an action research doctorate.

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On 1 March 2024, Dr Josie McLean, PhD, PCC, presented this webinar, about her PhD action research into the inner transformation of people and organisations to shape sustainable and sustaining (now called regenerative) organisations, and her work in these areas.

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