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Action Learning, Action Research News and Activities - July 2024






Welcome to ALARA's list of Action Learning and Action Research
activities, events and information from around the world for the
Action Learning / Action Research Community.


On this page:

Event information is frequently changing. The information available at the time of production has been included. Please check the relevant links, as the situation for each event could change.



Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance (ALNAP) has released Action Learning for Frontline Humanitarians: a resource pack. The pack is for programme staff who are implementing projects, staff in monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) roles who are collecting data and evaluating projects, and for team leaders or managers who work with them. Individuals, project teams or cross-organisational and inter-agency groups can all use this approach. See here for details.


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Action Learning: Research and Practice

The Action Learning: Research and Practice Journal will hold their next conference in 2025.

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Action Research: Global Conversations

Linnea Rademaker, the 2020-2022 chair of the action research SIG of AERA, presents podcasts about action research discussing various AR projects with their lead researchers.

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ARNA held its 2024 conference as a hybrid event at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA and online at on 7 & 8 June 2024. See here for details.

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AR Podcast

The Action Research Podcast contains many recordings of presentations and discussions with AR practitioners, with a new podcast added about each month.

AR Podcast

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AR Plus

AR+ conducted its 2023 Community Gathering Retreat in the Italian Alps in November (9th-12th), with the theme Nourishing ourselves and the soil: Developmental and Transformational!. See the reflection on this event.

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CARN Conference

CARN's next conference "Action Research for Citizen Health, Social Sustainability and Education" is on 24 - 26 October 2024 at the Malmö University in Malmö, Sweden (abstract submissions close on 31 July 2024). More details - see CARN's website or the conference website.

CARN logo

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CEEMAN is holding its 32nd Annual Conference on 25 to 27 September 2024 - see here for more information.

See other events offered by CEEMEN here.

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Cornell University - Action Research Collaborative

The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research (BCTR) at Cornell University are conducting the Fuse International Conference - The Promise of Engaging the Public in Public Health on 11-12 June 2024 Details here.

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EURAM 2023 Conference - Transforming Business for Good

The 2024 conference of EURAM (European Academy of Management) was held at the University of Bath in the UK on 25 - 28 June 2024, with the theme of Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges. See here for more information.


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IFAL has been conducting several events this year. See here for more information.


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International Sociological Association

The ISA held its World Congress in Melbourne Australia on 25 June to 1 July 2023. One of the large number of streams was Action-Research for Participation and Empowerment.

The next World Congress will be in Gwangju, Korea in 2027.


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Lowitja Institute

The Lowitja Institute has held several events over the last few months. It is planning the 4th International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference on 16 - 19 June 2025.

Lowitja Institute

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Martha Farrell Awards

Martha Farrell Foundation

The 2024 Martha Farrell Awards recipients are to be announced soon.


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Participatory Action Research - Feminist Trailblazers & Good Troublemakers

Patricia Maguire has commenced a second series of podcasts of in-depth conversations with feminist participatory and action research trailblazers about their successes and struggles bringing feminist values and ways of being to PAR about femist trailblazers.

See (and hear) the full list here.

PAR - Feminist Trailblazers & Good Troublemakers

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PRIA International Academy has several courses including Community Based Participatory Research in Environmental Health, Gender and Development Planning: Strategising Inclusivity and Doing Research with People International Perspectives on Participatory Research.


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World Education Research Association

WERA has a Call for Papers for the Special Section of the Comparative Education Review Journal closing 1 September 2024. More information here.


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Book Launch: Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy

The UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education hosted the launch of Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy, co-edited by the UNESCO Co-Chairs Dr. Budd Hall and Dr. Rajesh Tandon.

This book shares the experiences of a broadly representative and globally dispersed set of writers on higher education and social responsibility, broadening perspectives on the democratisation of knowledge.

The book is open access, and the free download of the book is available here.


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The International Action Research Summer Camp

The 4th international Action Research Summer Camp was held on June 16 to 23, 2024 (preceded by an online preparatory phase) in Austria. More information is available here.




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Transformative Research and Higher Education

Dr Azril Bacal, a member of the ALARA Global Strategic Publications Editorial Board, edited Transformative Research and Higher Education. More information is available here.




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Open Book Publishers: Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South

Open Book Publishers is sharing their Open Access title: Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South by Carmen Martinez-Vargas. More information is available here.




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Open Book Publishers: A Common Good Approach to Development: Collective Dynamics of Development Processes

Open Book Publishers are also sharing their Open Access title: A Common Good Approach to Development: Collective Dynamics of Development Processes by Mathias Nebel, Oscar Garza-Vázquez and Clemens Sedmak (eds). More information is available here.




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Publications' Special Issues

Please submit information for planned issues.


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