ALARA News - May 2024
Hello ALARA member
ALARA 2024 Australasian ConferenceThe call for submissions for the ALARA - UTS conference is well underway. The theme is "Transdisciplinary Action Research" with presentations reflecting the diversity that is Action Learning and Action Research. Registrations will commence early next month. Early bird prices are $400 for attendance at UTS and $300 for virtual attendance (full prices, after the end of the early bird period, will be $50 more). Please tell your colleagues and networks about this important conference. WebinarALARA has held two webinars in recent months. The first was "Sustainability, Systemic Change and Action Research" with Josie McLean. The second webinar was "Use of Arts with Action Research" with presenter Geof Hill. Videos of the two webinars are available via their webpages: We are investigating other potential webinars. If you have suggestions, or wish to present a webinar, please email ALARA. MonographsThe first of the promised two monographs, Action and Evaluation in Alternative Education: How Students’ Stories Shape Teaching Practices is now available on its Monograph page (you will need to log in to open this page). A second monograph, “You were the neck, and we, as participants, were the head”: Preschool teacher’s perception of using action research for professional development, will be published next month. Action Learning / Action Research CalendarDo not forget to check on the AL/AR Calendar to see what is happening in the AL/AR communities. If you have any items you would like listed in this calendar, please contact ALARA. Colin Bradley |