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News and Events

Action Learning Workshop with Bob Dick in Brisbane, Australia, 12-13 September

An action learning set -- that is, an action learning project team -- can achieve multiple outcomes. It can design and implement complex projects. As it does so, its team members can improve their skills in decision making, problem solving, planning and implementation. Increasingly, these are skills of relevance to team leaders and team members in modern organisations.

Multiple action learning sets can be part of an action learning program. The sets are in effect a seed bed in which participants can practise new ways of acting. The result can be a valuable contribution to organisational culture change.

Wed, 07/08/2019 - 10:00

Understanding me so I can understand you

Why do people fail to accept our wisdom, ignore our advice and continue to make mistakes?. More details.

Date: Thursday, 25 July
Time: 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm
Venue: The Village Yeronga

For more information - please click here, and read Margaret's bio here.

Sun, 07/07/2019 - 10:00

Stories and storytelling have emerged as powerful creative processes for communication and change across personal, organisational and community contexts. In this ALARA session, we will explore the power of stories for making connections and building relationships More Details.

When: Thursday, 20 June, 5.30–8.00 pm
Where: The Village at Yeronga
Cost: Free but participants are asked to BYO drinks and a plate to share
R.S.V.P.: Essential for planning purposes. Please email Judith Anderson on Judith4802[at] by Sunday 16 June 2019.

For full details, please click here.

Sun, 09/06/2019 - 10:00

Twice a year ALARA offers a free 15-week online course on action research and evaluation. The next program begins in mid-July, with orientation material sent out in early July. The course is run by email.

If you decide to subscribe to it, email Bob Dick for subscription details. He will subscribe and welcome you. His email is bd[at]

Alternatively you can access an earlier version of the course on the web at at any time. It's less complete and less often revised than the email version. Also, there is no discussion list. However it will give you an idea of the general content and approach. You don't need a subscription to access it.

Wed, 05/06/2019 - 10:00

A Conversation with Bill Synnot and Albert Holt


Date: 5:30 - 8:00 pm, 23 May 2019     Location: Yeronga Village, Yeronga, Queensland
Cost: Free - sponsored by Yeronga Village Management
R.S.V.P.: Please email Judith Anderson on Judith4802[at] by Sunday 19 May 2019 - More Details.

For more information about the event, click here. For information about the presenters, click here.

Next events:

Sun, 12/05/2019 - 10:00