Conversation with Mary Brydon-Miller
As mentioned in the last e-Newsletter, Mary Brydon-Miller will be available for an interactive webinar about her work during her time in Australia and New Zealand on a Fulbright Scholarship.
This webinar will be held at 11:00 am on Sunday 18 September 2022 at 11:00am(Australian Eastern Time). Full details are available on the ALAR Association site, where you can register to attend. Attendance is free, but you must register to receive the Zoom details for the webinar.
New ALARA Website and Password Reset
Hello ALARA Member
You would have received an email in the last day or so that advised you to reset your password on the ALARA website.
This email was sent by the new site - please see the site here. You will notice that there is a request to accept cookies - standard procedure these days with many countries requiring that approval by law.
Error Message - Your account details
Hello ALARA Member
You would have received an email sent around 2.30 am on 24 May (Australian Eastern Time) with a subject of:
Your account details for [email address] at Action Learning, Action Research Association Ltd.
Our web developer loaded all members details to the site that he is building for us, and without his knowledge, the site sent all members this email.