At a recent meeting, the ALARA Board agreed to three important additions to ALARA's activities.
- Indigenous AL / AR Co-ordinator
The Board approved a new role for a person to develop relationships with Indigenous individuals and groups at a global network scale who are using action learning and action research. This work could be in relation to academic, community development, delivery of programmes (health, justice, environment, etc.), cultural practices or other relevant areas.
The role is predominantly an enabling one, with the Co-ordinator working as bridge-builder to nurture, promote and engender networking amongst Indigenous peoples using AL / AR.
The role is a designated position for a person who identifies as an Indigenous action researcher from any community or is engaged in decolonising Indigenous Knowledge Systems through the development of action learning and action research strategies. The Board s seeking a volunteer to engage with Indigenous communities around the world to encourage, support and help facilitate action learning and action research activities within those communities, and to promote the sharing of knowledge between communities and more widely through strategies, research, publications, presentations, webinars, etc.
- Volunteers Policy
The increasing need to ensure that both ALARA supports and protects volunteers and those volunteers keep ALARA informed of their actions has led to the development of a new policy and Status Form for Volunteers.
The Volunteers Policy emphasises nine standards in areas such as leadership and management, commitment to volunteer involvement, support and development and valuing volunteer voices.
ALARA will be asking all volunteers to complete a Volunteer Status Form (available as a pdf document) or Word document, where the Volunteers will confirm their commitment to assisting ALARA and gaining confirmation of ALARA's support for them.
- Volunteer Co-ordinator
To assist with providing that support volunteers, ALARA is also seeking a person as a Volunteer Co-ordinator. In addition to supporting volunteers, the Volunteers Co-ordinator will also develop, implement, help co-ordinate and realise strategies to promote and increase the number and success of volunteers in ALARA.
The role statements for these roles are available here, along with the role statements for all positions on the ALARA Board and Committees Group.
If you would like to know more about these roles or the Volunteers Policy, or wish to express your interest in either role, please email admin[at]alarassociation.org.