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Action Learning, Action Research News and Activities - November 2021






Welcome to ALARA's list of Action Learning and Action Research
activities, events and information from around the world for the
Action Learning / Action Research Community.


On this page:

Event information is frequently changing. The information available at the time of production has been included. Please check the relevant links, as the situation for each event could change.


Action Research: Global Conversations

Linnea Rademaker, the 2020-2022 chair of the action research SIG of AERA, presents podcasts. In this one, she interviews Patricia Maguire discussing "feminisms" and participatory action research.

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ARNA is holding its 2022 Conference in Cedar City, Utah, USA on 28 - 30 June 2022. See the conference announcement here.

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AR Podcast

Patricia Maguire has recorded a podcast - Feminisms and Action Research. Details are available here.

AR Podcast

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AR Plus

AR+ commenced an AMICABLE coLAB online on June 24, 2021, and then August, November and January 2022. Details are available here.

AR+ will also conduct a new Relational Meditation Series, commencing on 9 February 2022, and held each Wednesday for nine weeks.

The Action Research Journal has a new call for papers on ART and poverty. Get an early start. Papers are due March 2022.

AR+ have also information about - actually a plea for - action research assistance from a group in UK - a small team of three health professionals and a project lead working on a pilot project in Brighton that starts on 1st October are looking for an AR Graduate or Student.

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CARN Conference

CARN held the CARN Conference in Dundee on 2nd - 10th October, 2021 as a local and online event. More details - see CARN's website.

The 9th CARN D.A.CH. conference will be held in Klagenfurt, Austria from Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd of January 2022. The conference is organised by the the Institute of Instructional and School Development at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt will focus on the theme "Action Research Past - Present - A New Future" and is open to all Action Researchers interested in professional exchanges in German. The Call for Papers is now open and you can also find the conference programme and other information on the conference website.

CARN Praxis

CARN has launched a new publishing opportunity - a rich and collaborative space for voices to be heard more publicly, where we can share and celebrate the rich potential of action research in supporting authentic and relevant practice-learning. See here for more informaiton.

CARN logo

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International Management Teachers Academy

The International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies has scheduled the next International Management Teachers Academy on 14 - 23 June 2022 in beautiful Bled, Slovenia. Please see here for more information. The 30th CEEMAN Annual Conference is scheduled for 21 - 23 September 2022 - more details here.

A Case Writing Webinar by CEEMAN and Emerald will be held online on 30 November 2021 to share with you some expert advice and useful tips on how to write an amazing case. See here for details.

See other events offered by CEEMEN here.

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EURAM 2022 Conference - Leading Digital Transformation

The 2022 conference of EURAM (European Academy of Management) is scheduled for 15-17 June 2022. More information is available here.

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IFAL is presenting IFAL in Conversation with John O'Neil on 8th December 2021 at 09.00 – 10.00 PST / 16.00 BST online, with Yuri Boshyk. See here for details.

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Lowitja Institute

Lowitja Institute are promoting the Aboriginal Health Conference in Perth on 20 and 21 November 2021.

The 2021-2024 Lowitja Institute Research Projects have been announced. Read more about these grants here.

The Lowitja Institute held a roundtable in October 2021 about climate change and Torres Strait Islander health. A Discussion Paper including the illustrations and key recommendations from the roundtable is available here.

Lowitja Institute

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PRIA Online Courses

PRIA International Academy is offering several online and blended learning courses. These courses include Social Accountability and Civic Engagement, a six-week course commencing on 27 December 2021. See the online courses here.

PRIA is approaching its 40th anniversary, and is co-convening virtual workshops on Making A Difference: Adapting Impact Measurement on Tuesday 23 November 2021, Young Scientists Learning Open Science on Thursday, 25 November, 2021 and Local Knowledge, Social Movements and Participatory Research: Indian Perspectives on Tuesday 30 November 2021, and a symposium Changing Contours of Development Cooperation: What Roles for Civil Society? on 29 November 2021 at 4.00 - 6.00 pm IST.

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Martha Farrell Foundation

The 5th Annual Martha Farrell Award Ceremony was held on 5 November 2021. See here for details.

Martha Farrell Awards

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World Education Research Association

WERA has announced their 2022 Annual Meeting in San Diego, California on 22 - 25 April, with call for submissions now open. See here for more details.

WERA has also announced the HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021 with a theme of Connectivity, Inclusivity and Sustainability: Generating Changes and Creating Impacts, which will be held virtually on December 9th - 11th, 2021. See here for more details.

WERA Mentoring Programme

The WERA Doctoral and Early Career Scholars Network (DEC) provides doctoral and early career scholars with an opportunity to network with and meet each other. As a part of this effort, WERA aims to develop an innovative, online-based Mentorship Programme, that links senior scholars and postdoctoral educational researchers who share a common research interest. Find out more about the Programme here.


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Book Launch: Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy

The UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education hosted the launch of Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy, co-edited by the UNESCO Co-Chairs Dr. Budd Hall and Dr. Rajesh Tandon.

This book shares the experiences of a broadly representative and globally dispersed set of writers on higher education and social responsibility, broadening perspectives on the democratisation of knowledge.

The book is open access, and the free download of the book is available here.


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Publications' Special Issues


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Canadian Journal of Action Research Call for Papers

The CJAR is planning two special issues:



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