ALARA is finalising arrangements for three webinars over coming months.
Action Learning / Action Research for Climate Action - How can Action Learning / Action Research enhance climate action? - April 2021
Ernie Stringer, who recently released the fifth edition of his book, Action Research, will be leading this exploratory workshop / webinar.
How can action learning and action research assist in the process of climate action and extend and enhance the efforts of those already undertaking climate action? What is being done in climate action using collaborative / participative methods such as action learning and action research, and what further could be done? Can ALARA's members and volunteers support future climate action initiatives?
Getting Your Paper Published - Early May 2021
ALARA is working with representatives of several action learning / action research publications, and one initiative of that work is this webinar, planned for early May, with a morning and an evening session to capture participants from around the world.
Enabling Leadership Capacity for Higher Education Scholarship in Learning and Teaching (SOTL) through Action Research - late May 2021
Marina Harvey and Sandra Jones will be presenting this webinar.
This workshop focuses on a distributed leadership approach for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) enabled by, and researched through, AR. Discussion and findings are presented through the lens of 20 funded Australian AR projects that used distributed leadership to build capacity for SOTL.
More information about these webinars will be announced in coming weeks. We hope you will join us.
If you would like to assist, or present at a webinar, please send your ideas or offer of help to admin[at}alarassociation.org.