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Seed funding is now available for events in Africa

Africa map


Following the 2015 ALARA World Congress in Pretoria, South Africa, and in agreement with ALARA's co-hosts for that event, ALARA has made available seed funding for Action Learning / Action Research events in Africa. ALARA plans to use these funds as a perpetual source of funding for events in Africa. This initiative is in keeping with ALARA's strategy to encourage and support the development of local and regional ALARA events and conferences in Australia and in other countries.

To gain access to these funds, an organisation must:

  • Propose an event that it will conduct on the African continent that is open to all people within that continent (and other continents) with an interest in action learning or action research, and which will directly benefit African citizens;

  • Include an existing ALARA member who must remain a member during the life of the proposal, must be in a senior decision-making role within the group and must be a member of the Organising Committee for the event;

  • Submit a proposal to the ALARA Management Committee in the prescribed proposal format to seek the seed funding; and

  • Meet the conditions within the proposal, including ensuring adequate insurances for the event.

For more information, please see the ALARA African events page.