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News and Events

ALARA is pleased to announce that the 10th Action Learning Action Research and 14th Participatory Action Research World Congress will be held at Norwich University in Vermont USA, on 17 - 20 June 2018

I encourage you to mark these dates in your diary now, so that you can join with ALARA to help Norwich prepare for its 200th anniversary. Participants will be invited to attend other events at the University, such as the Academic Recognition Ceremony on 21st June.

The Organising Committee will soon announce the themes, arrangements and registration details. Further announcements will be made via the regular ALARA e-News and special announcements.

Colin Bradley

Mon, 19/06/2017 - 10:00

ALARA is pleased to advise that it has reached agreement with Norwich University in Vermont, USA, to create a local Chapter in the University. This new Chapter will allow up to 200 students, academics and alumni of Norwich University to join the Chapter and ALARA under special membership arrangements. The Chapter will conduct local networking events, as well as become involved in ALARA activities.

ALARA looks forward to the introduction of the Norwich members to the ALARA community over coming months. We invite all members and those in the AL/AR community to to become involved in the networking opportunities this new Chapter will create.

A special thank you to Rosemarie Pelletier, Program Director at Norwich University, and Emmanuel Tetteh, ALARA's VP International, for developing this agreement.

Mon, 12/06/2017 - 10:00

Now that ALARA has its brand new website, and several important announcements planned over coming months, it is time to make everyone aware of ALARA and its activities.

Thu, 11/05/2017 - 10:00

The program for the Brisbane conversations has been finalised as follows: 

  •    25 May             AL in team coaching with Laura Graham
  •    27 July              A potpourri of ARAL processes with John Hanley
  •    28 September   AL and acquired brain injury with Mandy Nelson
  •     2 November    ALAR in business with  Jonathan Lincolne

Richard Teare from GULL is expected to be in Brisbane in September
or October so when we have a confirmed date, we will also add him to the schedule.

Thu, 30/03/2017 - 11:00

 The purpose of the brief below is to help you prepare and run regional/local workshops prior to the Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy, which has been convened around the question: To what extent can epistemological, ideological and political differences be reconciled in the interest of a sustainable and socially just world? 

For information about what workshops should look like and the submission process please read the attached flyer. Workshop submissions close on 30 April 2017.  


Tue, 28/03/2017 - 11:00